The basic concept of code-splitting is to split single big bundle of our app into separate small chunks that can be loaded on demand. Code-splitting can be done on route level or even component level. Setting up code-splitting for modern JavaScript web apps was notoriously known to be a painful process. Let alone make it work with Hot Module Replacement on development build.
To solve this problem we will use 2 main building blocks of code-splitting in Treats, the AsyncLoader
and AsyncComponent
, in the future, we might not need 2 separate components to do code-splitting, but for now we found out that this is the less painful way to do code-splitting while keeping the HMR capabilities on development mode.
AsyncLoader and AsyncComponent
that was build on top of react-universal-component act as the code-splitting entry for our async bundle:
// page/home/index.js
import AsyncLoader from "@treats/component/async-loader";
const Home = AsyncLoader({ component: import("./home") });
export default Home;
that was build on top of react-hot-loader act as the hot-module-replacement enabler for our async bundler
// page/home/home.js
import AsyncComponent from "@treats/component/async-component";
const Home = () => <div>Home!<div/>;
export default AsyncComponent(module, Home);
More information about how to customize loading, error placeholder etc for AsyncLoader
can be found here